Banding together to support SA Children

Cops for Kids is incredibly grateful to the Band of the South Australia Police for their ongoing support in helping the children of South Australia.

South Australia was the first police jurisdiction in Australia to form a band and since 1884 they have been an integral part of building community relations with the Police.  As well as achieving international success, the Police Band performs at smaller, local community initiatives for free.  On occasions, the Band is recognised by these groups with a generous donation which the Police Band directs to charities including SA Police Legacy and Cops for Kids.

To recognise the ongoing and continuous support of the Police Band, Cops for Kids Board Member Drew Bynoe attended Thebarton Barracks to thank the Band and presented a Cops for Kids plaque.  Officer in Charge of the Band, Acting Senior Sergeant Adam Buckley received the plaque on behalf of the Police Band and also presented Cops for Kids with a cheque for $500 on behalf of the Lutheran Retirement Village at Hope Valley.  The Police Band performed at the Lutheran Retirement Village in February 2024 and they donated $1,000 to the Band which has been shared with $500 each being donated to SA Police Legacy and Cops for Kids.

Acting Senior Sergeant Buckley is proud of the Band’s valuable role in supporting charities.  “The Band of the South Australia Police is very fortunate to perform to wonderful groups in the community who are very keen to support initiatives such as Cops for Kids and SA Police Legacy. We are very grateful for their ongoing generosity,” he said. “The Band and Cops for Kids will continue to work together to enhance the lives of sick and underprivileged children in South Australia.”

The generous support of the Police Band as well as our other sponsors are essential in ensuring Cops for Kids can continue the goal of enhancing the lives of children in South Australia.