Jason Doig Inaugural Scholarship

The Board of Cops For Kids are honoured to announce the launch of the Cops for Kids Jason Doig Scholarship.  A year since the tragic passing of Jason Doig, Cops for Kids have established a Scholarship to support the education of children and honour Jason’s contribution to his community.

Cops for Kids have collaborated with the Lucindale Area School, the Lucindale Chaplaincy Support Group and local community members and the Doig family to establish the Scholarship.

The Scholarship is bestowed on a local youth who displays humanitarian effort, community service and Jason’s key traits of leadership, integrity, support and service.  The Scholarship recipient is determined by a panel consisting of the Principal of the Lucindale Area School, a member of the Lucindale Chaplaincy Support Group, a Cops for Kids Board Member and the Officer in Charge of Lucindale Police.  The Scholarship is to be utilised to further the recipient’s education.

The inaugural Cops for Kids Jason Doig Scholarship was announced and awarded at the Lucindale Memorial Cricket Match on Sunday 17 November 2024 to Nicholas Mills with the blessing of Jason’s family who were present.

CFK Board Members and Nicholas Mills

Cops for Kids has committed to fund the scholarship, worth $1,000 for the next 10 years with a view to continuing further into the future.