Cops for Kids is very excited to announce our latest partnership to help kids start a lifelong love of reading. Through our new association with United Way Australia, Cops for Kids has pledged $14,400 to a two-year program to support the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, a worldwide children’s reading program. This partnership is targeted to help kids in the Adelaide northern metropolitan suburbs.
Children enrolled in the library will receive a free, high quality, age-appropriate book in the mail each month from birth to age five. Books are hand-picked by a committee of academics, authors, Indigenous advisors, teachers and librarians, ensuring they reflect the diversity of the wider community and include themes and concepts that support developing minds to grow.
Resources are provided to help engage with each book in ways that drive language development and early literacy. The Imagination Library supports parents and carers to be a child’s first teacher.
United Way manages the Imagination Library in South Australia, working with local affiliates to identify communities where the initiative will be of most benefit.
Starting from a local effort in Dolly’s hometown in Tennessee in 1995, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library has grown to an international organisation, distributing over 2 million books every month.