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The Epilepsy centre logo
More Seizure Monitors for the Epilepsy Centre
Cops for Kids are committed to helping children and parents by assisting the Epilepsy Centre with our second donation of $14,815 of a three-year funding agreement which...
Operation Flinders logo
A Trailer Load of Support for Operation Flinders
Operation Flinders aims to transform young people’s lives through engaging in challenging outdoor adventure therapy experiences.  Cops for Kids has previously donated towards...
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Safety Ramp for the Children
The relationship between children and horses can have a therapeutic effect for children.  Riding for the Disabled believe that all children should have this opportunity and Cops for Kids is providing support...
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Fighting Cancer with UniSA and Charlie's Rainbow
The University of South Australia is conducting research to fight childhood cancer and brain tumours.  Cops for Kids is supporting that research with a $36,100 donation after being told the story of Charlie’s...
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Support for Parents Who Have Been There
Parents with children requiring neonatal care can sometimes require extra support, so to for women travelling from country areas. A charity called Parents Who Have Been There is providing that support....
Recognition of Support
Cops for Kids donates 100% of all Member donations, therefore, the support from our community and our corporate business sponsors is vital in enabling us to accomplish our mission.   In recognition...
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